Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can anyone help identify provenance of sm. pottery stylised monkey/chimp?

I am trying to find out what I can about a pottery monkey, in our family for over 50 years. It has a highly glazed yellowy-green base colour, with symbols in a darker, more sage green painted at various places on its body. It looks, to my untutored eye, far east Asian, e.g. Chinese, Japanese. The figure is sitting or squatting, arms crossed at wrist, in front. some symbols: rising/setting sun with rays; lotus type flower; small spiral on back of head. On its base is stamped in the pottery 2 numbers: one of 4 digits, difficult to discern, the other is the number 2. Four digit number is poss 1027. Monkey's eyes are closed, head at right-angles to body. A rather 'smug', sort of smiling expression! Have searched web without success, however if anyone can recommend an antiques site where I might be able to find identification, I would be grateful. It's almost certainly C20, early to mid. Thank you for your help.

Can anyone help identify provenance of sm. pottery stylised monkey/chimp?
Don't think this will be much help but have seen a glazed green monkey figure in Retro Home and Jewelry (shop in Pembridge Cres, Notting Hill) - it looked 30s but they actually specialise in 40s and 50s. Kept looking at it, thinking what is it that's so attractive about the figure? - then decided it was the smug smile on its face that made it particularly appealing. The figure has now gone from the window but maybe the experts there might have an idea?
Reply:First thing I'd suggest is taking it to an appropriate museum to see if they could help you. Looking on the net I found the following site where it looks like you could ask the same question to people who know their stuff. Other antiquey kind of sites seem to be more about evaluations

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